

Cooking... Risotto with pear, ginger & goatcheese

My boyfriend is a pasta man. If I would ask him, he would eat pasta as breakfast, lunch and dinner. And believe me, when I'm not there, he does. Sometimes he likes to change the pasta with risotto. Just as bad, but oh so good, so I agree with that on a Saturday of course, since cooking risotto takes some time. Last weekend I left him all open in choosing a dish he would like and he came up with a risotto with pear, ginger and goatcheese. Lovely, I like the sweet & salty dishes and just love ginger (probably my indonesian roots, my grandma eats sweetened ginger like candy). He cooked it for me, while I was hanging out in my spongebob onesuit (#nopicturesplease). And it was de-li-cious! When we almost finished our meals, I suddenly remembered he doesn't even like ginger. When I confronted him, he just told me he wanted to cook me a dinner that I would definitely like. Aaaaaawh :) Okay, here for the recipe:

What do you need?
2x pears
goatcheese (with honey)
sweetened ginger
white wine
risotto rice
fresh oregano

What do you do?
Slice the pears in small pieces and put in in the oven (200 degrees). Cut the onion in small pieces and bake it with some olive oil. Add the rice and cook the rice as you are meant to (see the rice package).We usually have another steelpan with some white wine and broth, and add broth at the rice every time it seems like it is cooking cry. You're done when the rice is all smooth and soft. Taste it a couple of times while cooking (watch your mouth!). When it's almost done, add the goatcheese and ginger (I don't like to add typical volumes, but I would add a lot of goatcheese and not too much ginger, since that has a dominant taste). Keep an eye at the pear while you are cooking! It needs to get crispy, but not black ;) Put a bit of risotto on a plate, add the pear on top, snip a bit fresh oregano on top and you're good to go. Easy, but a feast to see! Enjoy!

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